Your Money
Your Way

Round-Up Savings

Take the burden out of lump-sum saving. Automatically save the spare change from every one of your purchases. Round-up to the nearest dollar or set any constant amount you'd like

Round-Up Splits

Split your round-ups to go into multiple Jars at one time. Watch as all of your Jars grow simultaneously!

Private Jars

Create a private Jar when you want to save or pool money with close friends or family. Simply invite anybody you would like to join

Public Jars

Create a public Jar any time you need contributions from anybody and everybody. Contributions can be made in lump-sum form or through automatic round-ups

Send And
Receive Money

Send money instantly! Receive money instantly!

Pooling Money

Digital Jars are the perfect place to hold money for a group of people. No more envelopes needed to hold cash

Don't Have

Get Started Now And Begin Saving

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